Friday, June 7, 2013

Who I served with in Vietnam!!!!
on March 8, 1965, the 9th Marine Expeditionary Brigade (MEB) landed at Da Nang. The MEB included two Marine Battalion Landing Teams (BLTs), 3rd Bn, 9th Marines, and 1st Bn, 3rd Marines. In addition, the landing included Marine Amphibious Brigade (MAB) Headquarters, and the Regimental Landing Team (RLT). All units moved into positions around the Da Nang airfield in support of Marine units arriving prior to the landing. These units included Battery "A" of the 1st  LAAM BN, Company "C" of the 7th Engineer Bn, and HMM-365 after relieving HMM-163.
Marine Aircraft Group-16 became operational on March 9th along with the arrival of HMM-162. On March 10th the 3rd  Bn, 9th  Marines established defensive positions on Hills 327 and 268 overlooking the Da Nang airfield. March 11th saw the Brigade Artillery Group (BAG) including Batteries "A" and "F" of the 12th  Marines. The Brigade Engineer Group (BEG) and Brigade Logistic Support Group (LBSG) were activated on March 12th. The 9th MEB was now fully operational and in place.
On March 14th Sub-Unit #2 was designated Marine Air Base Squadron-17 (MABS-16) and Headquarters and Maintenance Squadron-16 (H&MS-16) under the operational control of MAG-16 at Da Nang airfield.  By March 31st the 9th MEB total strength was 5,140 Marines.
On April 10th the 2nd Bn, 3rd  Marines landed on Red Beach 2 and the fighter/attack F-4 Phantoms of VMFA-531 arrived at Da Nang.
The landing of the 9th Marine Expeditionary Brigade at Da Nang in 1965 marked the beginning of large-scale Marine involvement in Vietnam. By summer 1968, after the enemy's Tet Offensive, Marine Corps strength in Vietnam rose to a peak of approximately 85,000. The Marine withdrawal began in 1969 as the South Vietnamese began to assume a larger role in the fighting; the last ground forces were out of Vietnam by June 1971. The Vietnam War, longest in the history of the Marine Corps, exacted a high cost as well with over 13,000 Marines killed and more than 88,000 wounded. In the spring of 1975, Marines evacuated embassy staffs, American citizens, and refugees in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and Saigon, Republic of Vietnam. Later, in May 1975, Marines played an integral role in the rescue of the crew of the SS Mayaguez captured off the coast of Cambodia
Today's Marine Corps stands ready to continue in the proud tradition of those who so valiantly fought and died at Belleau Wood, Iwo Jima, the Chosin Reservoir, and Khe Sanh. Combining a long and proud heritage of faithful service to the nation, with the resolve to face tomorrow's challenges will continue to keep the Marine Corps the "best of the best."

1969 9th Marines Leave Vietnam

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Just to let you know, I do not belong to a Lutheran Church , there isn't one within 100 miles. The closest is in San Diego.

I was raised Lutheran but fled the church for agnosticism. Then joined pentecostals and finally the charismatic evangelical Vineyard Christian Church which is a non denominational  denomination.After spending 8 years as a missionary on my own with a  Non denominational group called Foundation For His Ministry or Cristo Por Su Mundo here in Mexico.

During those 8 years living in poverty in Mexico with just a small stipend for food and gas I had plenty time to examine my beliefs about my faith. Examine how things stood up against scripture.

After much examination and study I decided to return to be a churchless Confessional Lutheran. So I have come full circle with a perspective from experience, theological study, and self examination.
The ministry resources that I have mentioned previously were a blessing to me and kept me going. Especially Tim Keller, Alistair Begg, and RC Sproll. They all have mp 3 s for free which I put on an MP3 player. I now have over 309 sermons which I fall asleep to every nigh

Friday, May 10, 2013

I am no longer  an evangelical Christian. Theologically I am more a confessional Lutheran.

I believe that Baptism is a sacramental  gift from God that saves you from sin just like the Bible says in many places.Due to original sin I believe babies should be baptised.
I believe that Communion is a sacramental gift from God and NOT merely a symbol that represents the body and blood. Where in the bible does it say the bread and wine represent the body and blood?
I believe that I was chosen to be saved by God before the foundations of the earth. It also says that in the Bible too.

Who do you trust from the public venu ??
Here is my list!
Bill O'Riley
Megan Kelly
Sean Hannity
Alex Begg
Lynn Cory
Charles Krauthammer

Sunday, May 5, 2013

  • Hi Steve, Please tell me, that i have found you again? I think about you often. Becky
  • August 27, 2011
  • Steve Dawson

    Becky I put up a photo of the Highway Rollena

  • thanks , i just found it
    looking at lot of other photos now.. i should be in bed, church comes early lol
  • Steve Dawson

    Ok just wanted to let you know and there is some discussion under the photo

  • thanks
    maybe i will see some pictures of some i know
  • Steve Dawson

    Ok I hope so
  • Steve Dawson

    Wow that is very exciting I hope that we can see some soon. I did a sketch of the interior of 790 Merkle with color it is very rough but I wanted to send it to without facebook before I make a larger detailed picture, this is all from memory.
  • Novembe
  • Steve Dawson

    Becky here is a letter from a girl who lived across the street on Merkle Ave I thought that you would like to see what she says/
  • Steve Dawson

    Dear Steve,

    This past Tuesday (New Years Day 2013) I showed mother the picture, you posted on facebook, of you and your grandmother at the Lutheran Church. ...she just beamed. She indeed remembers her. And also, shared with the family a sweet story of her. A story none of had heard until this past week.

    So, I will share this memory with you. My brother Bill was very sick one afternoon. His temperature was rising quickly and mother didn't know what to do to help him. As
    a result he went into convulsions which frightened my mother terribly..she ran to your grandmothers house with her baby in her arms. Knocked on her door and your grandmother without hesitation helped this frightened young mother She calmed my mothers fears and of course helped my brother. Your grandmother taught her how to gently & safely lower his temperature a
    skill my mother used many times as we were growing up. She also said she remembers her being a very sweet, warm and friendly lady. Is this how you remember her? She also said she can still see your grandfather with his straw hat working in his garden.

    Also, I always thought Rev. Hollinsen (sp) was wonderful. He was truly a servant of God.!!


  • Steve Dawson

    Her mother is still alive in Marion.
    Their name was snyder

  • that is so awesome! i only remember i think their name was hartshorn or something like that
    i think they lived across the street from grandma n grandpa
  • Steve Dawson

    Hi Hartshorn lived directly across but Snyders directly accross from Jacobs. Her name was Jani and he was Billie they were both younger than us

  • everybody is younger than me i think lol
    i would love to talk with her
    thank you honey so much for sharing this with me..
  • Steve Dawson

    I think that she lives near Marion and visits her mother every day or two
  • Steve Dawson

    Her husband's name is Norris Tangerman
  • Steve Dawson

    For the life of me I cannot fathom why I was sent to Richmond Indiana as a boy? I was 15 years old with family and friends in Marion having lived all my life in Marion. So I was sent away all alone, no support. I don't get it. Was I a delinquent ? I was pondering this some time ago, but I have no answers. Do you have any thoughts.
  • Steve Dawson

    Some time ago I sent you an e mail asking the locations where we lived if one was west center at David Street, another was where the tracks went right behind the house that was on west center also west of David St. I was always scared of the trains.
  • Today
  • Steve Dawson

    Billy J Murray is the blond guy and Burton Riley is the tall one

  • i think i remember a Bill murphy but not riles
  • Steve Dawson

    Billy Murray was a captain in Marion police...
    Bud Riley went to school with me also in the Marines

  • ok that is where i know it from.. my granddaughter is married to a policeman
    he is a leutent with the marmet drup force
    steve i just seen where you had e-mailed me, sorry i haven't gotten back to you, was a very bad winter for me. i had eye surgery in dec and just had other eye done, waiting for eye to heal so i can be fitted for new glasses. i still having problems seeing.
  • Steve Dawson

    No problem Becky we all have things that plague us

  • but will try and fill you in. first you was not a bad child.. i don't know if you recall judge Ruzzo.. he was a friend of our family , and when i found out they were talking about sending you to the childrens home in Ind. I went to judge Ruzzo and begged him to let you come live with me. he said i was to young to try and deal with you because of what you had been through. but, not because you was bad or in trouble.

  • grandma had broken her hip, and had to go to nursing home, and grandpa wasn't in the best of health.. i talked to George Rutherford about you, and he is who suggested maybe i could get custody of you.
    I'm so sorry for what you went through as a child, no child should have to endure that kind of way of life. I don't remember how long you uby told me they were trying to get custody of you.
    how long you were in Ind. becuase next thing i knew Harold and Ruby were trying to get custody of you.
    and they did call me and tell me when they did.
  • Steve Dawson

    I was put away for one year in Indiana, which ended with Harold and Ruby Cook.As far as I know no one from the family ever offered
    to take me
    No Dawsons, and Rutherfords, Binu, or others would take me
    Cooks finally took me out of compassion they were not even friends with the family I am forever grateful to them and their family.

  • Steve, you only lived on merkle where you were born, yhen you and mom moved in with dad, dian and me, we lived on columbia street, (west) you were about 4 or 5 months old then, and that would have been the first time i seen you, and that is where we lived when i started school sept 1945, from there we moved over on bennet street clear down at the end. that is where railroad tracks ran behind our house.. from there we moved on to parkview, as mom and dad bought the house there.. and that is where mom passed away. then grandma and grandpa took you from us, because dad never did get your nam changed to Gleason.. and would not let let you live with dad. i went to live with my natural mother for one year, then came back whan dad married wanda.. but, i did get to see you, as i would go visit grandma and grandpa.

  • i had known Harold and Ruby for years from church, and grandma and grandpa knew them also.. but, George Rutherford is who called me, and it seems like Donald miller called me as well about taking you. Steve i was even 21 yet and judge Ruzzo told me no. he didn't think i could handle a young teenage boy, please believe me i tried to get you, you and i both sit in grandma and grandpas living room and cried because i couldn't tke you.

  • I do have to say though, i'm sure you had amuch better life, by what Cooks were able to give you. something I couldn't have given, with college and all.. I always thanked them for giving so freely to you. you grew up to be such a special person..and with lots of love given to you.
  • Steve Dawson

    You are correct there as we know that all things work together for good for those who love God are called according to His purpose

  • true

  • Steve you know how i feel about you, i'm getting up in years i will be 73 my birthday in dec. but, deep in my heart i know you and i our brother and sister. I have looked at pictures of dad at differt ages and pictures of you at about same age. you look alike. i think i know you dont believe that, but, in my heart i do, and in the one pic of mom and dad was taken in jan 1944 dad is in uniform and it is snow on ground in background, but for some reason after dad passed on, that pic came up missing.
  • Steve Dawson

     Mom and James Ralph were married in Sept 1943 by Rev Hollenson. at the parsonage. I was born then in Oct 1944. Which means that I was conceived around Jan 1944. In my Baby Book which was kept by my mother, My name is Stephen C. Ralph in her own handwriting.
    My mother did not divorce James Ralph , he divorced her on grounds of cruelty that was final in March of 1945. ??? that is surely a mystery.
    The question that I have is if I was really Lew's then why would he send me to live with my grandparents where my name was changed to Dawson from Ralph. Eventually he even quit coming to see me. These thing don't really add up.

  • yes, i understand that. by them being married you would have been given his name, not sure when they divorced, but i do remember her moving in with you, into our house on columbia street just about spring time, was sometime before i started schoool, and i started school in sept of 1945
  • Steve Dawson

    Have you seen the photo of James Ralph from High school , He looks exactly like me.

  • i'm so sorry Steve i can't answer that. i was sent to my real mothers immediatly after moms funeral.and as for dad, i can't answer why. other than he married wanda who was only 21 6 weeks after moms death,,
    jes i have that pic of him from year book from harding
  • Steve Dawson

    That is fairly convincing
    The photo I mean

  • but i also have pic of dad and i think you look like him as young man.. i think i sent you a copy
    i know honey, i only wish dad had of been man enough to tell at least me the exact truth, if he knew it before he passed away
  • Steve Dawson

    THe biggest thing in favor of your hypothesis is that James divorced Gladys after reading the divorce papers it appears that he was pretty mad.

  • and then you would have maybe knew forsure
    i understand
  • Steve Dawson

    I wish there were some letters or some third parties that know the real story so I could get some closure here

  • i have an aunt who is still alive who was married to dads brother and they were all very close i willi try and call her and see if she can help.. maybe you remember them, Uncle Warren and Aunt Helen, they had Judy and Danny
  • Steve Dawson

    Sorry I don't
    Do you remember Helen Binau?

  • their last name was Wise
    yes i remember her
    and aunt Geneva.. the millers and the rutherfords
  • Steve Dawson

    She had a brother Bob or Robert
    Wise rings a bell

  • bob Binau from upper sandusky?

  • that is where grandma"s people were from
  • Steve Dawson

    He and my mom spent some time together

  • as cousins or just friends?
  • Steve Dawson

    yes but they ran with my mom also
    Cousins and friends

  • could they not do DNA on you and me? and find out that way?
  • Steve Dawson

    Also I have three pictures of the Cliftons who were close to my mom
  • Steve Dawson

    I think DNA would likely prove it one way or another
    I think that that is expensive though

  • dear GOd in heaven i wish for you sake we could get it done
  • Steve Dawson

    Cheryl Rutherford has been a little help with the dawson connection and Rutherford

  • as i said i feel it in m y heart you are my brother Steve, that will never change for me. not sure maybe deep inside of me i have some memory of something that makes it so or what
    is she Geoges daughter?

  • maybe she would remember me trying to get custody of you
    that is if she is old enough
  • Steve Dawson

    Well Becky it is always possible that Lew could be my father but until I see some evidence I will continue to go with what I see on paper , but I am always open to new evidence that will change my mind.

  • i understand
    what about blood types?
  • Steve Dawson

    I I believe that you tried to take me but no Judge in the would would ever permit that

  • i dont want to change your mind, i just want you to know the truth, as if it was me i would also
  • Steve Dawson

    Well blood types can only prove a negative meaning that there are certain types that cannot be produced from the combination of certain other types. I am A Positive

  • no he wouldn 't. but, it wasn't fair.. i think that is one reasone God led me to do foster care for marion county childrens services for 30 yrs and i still do respite for them and also buckeye ranch out of Columbus
    i'm O+
  • Steve Dawson

    Do you know what Lew's type was?

  • yes
    i'm almost postive it was a+ but, will ask one of the girls for sure
    do you know your moms and James?
    won't dads army papers have it on them?
  • Steve Dawson

    I will check but I doubt If I have that information...

  • is it not on his dd214?
  • Steve Dawson

    It would be on his dog tags

  • i dont have them
    i think Fred has them
  • Steve Dawson

    ok you can check with him

  • could i i find out through the VA here maybe if Fred dont have them?
    i will try
  • Steve Dawson

    I will check on Mom but I don't have much hope because I don't have her birth cert as she was adopted

  • well, that probably doesn't make much difference on mom, as we know she gave birth to you
    do you know James?
  • Steve Dawson

    well even if Lew was say a positive it would not mean that he was my fayther
  • Steve Dawson

    Diane Clifton may know
  • Steve Dawson

    Diane Clifton may know how to get the blood types of Gladys or enen lews or James

  • Yes I would like to get to the bottom of this mystry , we will see what will happen
  • Steve Dawson

    Like you said knowing the truth is what is importand

  • it has been so nice chatting with you.. i will call Aunt Helen also and see if she can help us any
    yes, i understand for you it is.. and for me just to know that what i have always felt is true.
  • Steve Dawson

    Ok thanks for a great chat take care!

  • Like you said knowing the truth is what is importand
  • Becky Price

    it has been so nice chatting with you.. i will call Aunt Helen also and see if she can help us any
    yes, i understand for you it is.. and for me just to know that what i have always felt is true.
  • Steve Dawson

    Ok thanks for a great chat take care!
    • S